What crazy weather weve been having lately! Here in the Pacific Northwest weve seen rain, sun, wind, snow, rain, ice, and more snow. Patiently waiting for Spring is so hard! It was early Monday during the morning commute dropping my kids off to school the snow just dumped upon us, as if Mother Nature was sifting a serious dose of confectioners sugar on something sweet. This made for tardiness and tough driving conditions definitely not fun. However, on the bright side this made for a potential photo-op, not necessarily digital. Ive been finding myself carrying my Rollei everywhere I go, even if I run mundane errands (one never knows!) After dropping my kids off, I found myself at our local park to which has a small recreational lake. I wanted to see if I could capture the intensity of the snow on film. I pulled into the park and no one else around me. I felt so bad making impressing tire marks onto freshly fallen snow, but it was beautiful! I got out of my car awkwardly and looked around, everything looks different with snow.
I debate whether or not I should take my film to the lab to have developed but Ive been wanting to develop color negative film for a while now. My first attempt last year, the results abysmal. So this time, I made sure I got the chemicals mixed correctly and to temperature and the timing correct. It was a tedious process but I am determined to really learn from my mistakes without reinventing the wheel.
Photographed using Portra400 and C-41 development.

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