Welcome to Fall! I found myself doing some light organizing of my pantry, wine allocations and make-shift studio and thought to myself, as the seasons change one thing doesn't. Wine. Whether enjoying company with friends or quietly in the comfort of one's home on a stormy night (which is happening more often, at least where I reside) enjoying various Netflix Originals. Perfect for any time of the year, the offerings of wine always seem to be unwavering.
Therefore, stopping in my tracks and I suddenly became inspired to tackle once and for all the large format focusing beast and my New55 P/N! The chores and organizing can wait.
I pulled together my favorite wines from Frenchie Winery, Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery and EFESTE Wines added a few props to make a pleasing presentation. I carefully checked my light meter and systematically loaded the film. Im pretty sure I held my breath the whole time as I really hoped for the best. One never really knows with film how the image will turn out. When I saw the positive result, the pressure was off and I finally could breathe again! Then to the next step of developing the negative and well lets just say I am going to print, frame and hang this one-of-a-kind awesomeness.
This by far has been my most successful result and I am more than pleased!
I feel like I am inching closer and closer to being able to add this service to my repertoire.

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